Tuesday, March 11, 2014

This is Sandra Bullock's Fault. Haha.

I got stressed from watching the movie "Gravity". I can't take the fact that George Clooney's character was left adrift in outer space to die (SPOILER ALERT!), while Sandra Bullock's character, Dr. Ryan Stone, had to fend for herself all alone. She had to find a way to get back to earth and all her astronaut companions just died out. I was nervous watching the entire movie, and felt so sorry for Dr. Stone/Sandra. That was a heck of a watch, if you don't want a romantic movie and you want something spaced-theme.

Speaking of Sandra Bullock, I re-watched the movie "Ms. Congeniality", a throwback to my high school days wherein I watched it with my friends on a sleepover night. I loved her character there, Gracie Hart, who's tomboyish, awkward, funny, and sweet. She's an FBI agent who had to go undercover in a beauty pageant so they could catch the terrorist who planned to wreak havoc at the said event. This was the movie wherein Sandra Bullock had a strong hold on my mind, having never noticed her before (even in the movie "Speed"). 

Plus, Gracie Hart reminded me of my younger self, as a teenage girl in both high school and college. I never cared much about how I looked back then and most of my friends were the neighborhood jocks, who were fond of football and biking. Add to that, I can throw a mean punch if I have to. The cafeteria bully experienced my killer fists one time when he tried to steal my lunch, and since then, he never bothered me anymore. I got quite a reputation as "that tomboyish girl",but this comes with a price. My long-time high school crush refused to take me out as a prom date when I asked him to, and in the end, I went out with one of my neighborhood jock friends. Imagine seeing his astonished face when he saw me like this:

By the way, he got a treat from me seeing all dolled up for the prom, and that night, he revealed that he's liked me ever since. That was the shock of my life as an 17-year old girl, and though I reacted awkwardly at first, he told me he was going to wait for me. I did ended up liking him, but we didn't last long. So much for high school love.

What's the point of this lengthy post? Aside from my reminiscing, it goes to show that you should be comfortable in your own skin, because there will be people who will love you for the real you. And if you want to learn how to doll up, go ahead! It may not be the desired results at first, but eventually, you'll outgrow your awkward phase and your real beauty will shine through. 

Take this ageless beauty advice from me that doesn't even need expensive treatment or surgery.

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