Monday, March 17, 2014

Waiting and Patience

As a child, I hated waiting.

I hated waiting in line. I hated having to wait for Christmas Eve to open my presents. I hated having to wait for my turn. Like all children, I did went through a stage of being stubborn and sometimes even throwing a tantrum when I have to wait for something or someone.

But as I grew older and wiser, I learned that waiting for things can teach us something, which is the value of patience. It's a trait that not all people have, and especially difficult to develop. But learning to be patient can bring wonders into your life.

Years of waiting in line and waiting for bigger things to come definitely taught me to be patient. Sometimes, the nicer blessing is being saved just for you. Sometimes, it's a way to protect you. And most of the time, waiting can assure you that your turn will come just in time for you.

Patience is not easy to develop, but a trait worth having.

Haste can be a waste and when you learn to work hard and wait, the best will come in your life.

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